Mr. Bell - Reading

Mr. Bell - Reading

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April 1-3 Mon - Wed    *Write a 1-paragraph description of what you learned or experienced during Spring Break.  *Read pages 688-691 and answer all CLOSE READ questions from these pages.  *Choose a Non-Fiction book for the next project.  Book check on Thursday.

March 14 Thurs    *Term 3 Reading Exam

March 11-13 Mon - Wed *Students complete and discuss Term 3 Exam Study Guide.  *Turn-in signed HS registration forms.

March 8 *Read pages 1030-1034 and answer Evaluate Evidence questions.     

*Students received a copy of their High School registration worksheet.  Please look over it with your student, sign the back, and return to Mr. Bell by the end of next week.  Guidance will host a meeting on Tuesday @6:30pm to answer questions about Explore results and HS registration. 

March 6&7  Wednesday/Thursday   *Read, discuss, and answer questions about the use of humor in persuasive writing.  pgs 1000-1011.  

March 5 Tuesday *Take notes and discuss persuasive techniques used in advertising.

March 4 Monday *Take notes about persuasive techniques used in advertising media.  

March 1  Friday  *Answer quiz questions over the "Zoo" articles (open book).  *Independent reading time.

February 28  Thursday  *Seminar using both "Zoo" articles.  Turn-in seminar reflections. 

February 27  Wednesday *Read pages 988-996.  Annotate both articles.

February 26 Tuesday *Watch video "Preparing Multi-Media Presentations."  Discuss project for Language Arts. 

February 25 Monday *Read and take notes from pages 980-983.  *Discuss "claim", "support", and "counterclaim". 

February 22 Friday  *Complete blue sheet research questions (open book pgs. 1060-11085) 1-30.  *Independent reading time

February 21 Thursday *Guidance department shared information with students about EXPLORE test results and High School registration. 

February 20 Wednesday *Retake Research Test A.  *Begin answering Research questions using textbook and notes. pgs. 1060-1085.

February 19 Tuesday  *Discuss answers to Part 1 quiz   *Read and take notes pgs. 1078-1085 "Researching"  ... apply this information to assist with Ms. Carpenter's research project.

February 15 Half day... NJHS inductions

February 14 Watch and takes notes from video "Evaluating Sources". 

February 13 *Students answer starter question: "Why is it important to question the reliability of a source?"  *Answer quiz questions 1-14 using your notes only.

February 11-12  *Students work together to read and take notes on Research Strategies from pages 1060-1077 in their textbook.  We will discuss and analyze key components of effective research.  *We are connecting this assignment to Mrs. Carpenter's research project.

January 31-February 6  *Students will read a NON-FICTION book of their choosing (with Mr. Bell's approval) during these days during class.  They will respond to the text by answering 11 questions assigned to them.  Time will be given all week to complete the reading and answering the questions. 

January 30 Answer quiz questions about "Spanish Boots" and "The Song of Hiawatha" in class.

January 29 Tuesday *Read pages 656-665 *Answer questions 1,2,3,& 6 on page 666. 

January 28 Monday  *Read pgs. 638-642.   *Annotate and pre-write for an essay that answers this question: Based upon the two poems, what do people need to be happy?  Be sure to include a pre-write organizer and at least four annotations. 

January 24 Thursday  *JBN Assembly in the gymnasium with Reggie Dabbs.  *Answer quiz questions (open book) about the poems on pages 634-636. 

January 23 Wednesday  Read pages 632-636 List the 5 most important details from those pages.  We will have a quiz over these poems tomorrow.

January 22 Tuesday     Read the Poems "Willow and Gingko" pg 612 and "Introduction to Poetry" pg. 614.  Answer questions 1-5 on page 615.

January 17 *Finish Thursday's assignments

January 16  *Read Pages 604-609 Answer all Close Read questions. 

January 15  *Read, prewrite, and annotate "Observations On Schooling In Early America."

Januaray 14   *Intro to Poetry.  *Read and annotate Paul Revere's Ride.

January 9-11  Step 1... Read "Conflicting Accounts of the Battles of Lexington and Concord" multiple times.   Step 2... Create a visual representation of the text (cartoon, mindmap, timeline, drawing, outline, graphic organizer, etc...)  that illustrates the DIFFERENCES between the American and British accounts of these battles.                       Step 3... Annotate the text on your own paper (quotes, unfamiliar words, important vocabulary, connections, questions, etc...)   Be sure that you have noted plenty of ETE in your notes.         *These notes created by the students will be used to write an essay in Ms. Carpenter's class on Monday. 



December 17-19  Monday - Wednesday   *Watch video Anne Frank.  *Turn-in make-up work and receive graded exams. 

December 14 Friday  *2nd Quarter EXAM day

December 10-13 Monday - Thursday  *Read the play, "The Diary of Anne Frank" together in class. *Answer questions from the study guide while reading.                      *Reading exam on Friday Dec. 14.

December 7 Friday  *Read the play, "The Diary of Anne Frank" together in class. 

December 6 Thursday *Vocabulary quiz today.  *Begin reading "The Diary of Anne Frank" in class together. 

December 4-5  Tuesday/Wednesday  * Take vocabulary notes related to "Anne Frank."  Quiz on Thursday.

December 3 Monday  *Make test corrections to Friday's test.  *Introduce Anne Frank...Unit 4 in the online textbook. 


November 30 Friday  *Answer test questions about Text Features, Main Idea/Supporting Details, and how to read Non-fiction Texts.

November 29 Thursday  *Review for tomorrow's test.  Use the above website and student answers to questions. 

*We need scotch tape refills, hand sanitizer, and facial tissue.                                                                                                                  Some parents have asked for classroom needs.                                                                                                                                 Thank you for allowing us to teach your wonderful children.

November 28 Wednesday  *Read page4s 945-952.  Respond to each "INSTRUCTION MANUAL" question.  Completely answer questions 1-5 on pg. 953.

Test on Friday over all the information we have read and discussed from pages 884-953: main ideas/supporting details, text features, summarizing, organization of ideas, instructional manual, etc...

November 27 Tuesday *Discuss pg. 897 answers.  *Read pg. 935-941.  Write answers for every "ORGANIZATION" question.  Answer questions 1-8 on pg 942. 

November 26  Monday *Write a 20-25 word summary description of your Thanksgiving break.  *Read "Summarize" section of pg. 891. Create chart as illustrated.  *Read pgs. 892-896.  While reading, use the "SUMMARIZE" questions on pgs. 892,895,896 to fill-in the chart.  *Answer questions 1-5 on pg. 897.

November 20 Tuesday *Grade and discuss Thirteen Colonies worksheet.  *Read Independently.

November 19 Monday  *Read pages 890-891.  Survey fellow students and complete the chart related to other students' intended vocations. 

November 16 Friday  *Read, analyze, and answer questions related to "The Thirteen Colonies" worksheet.  *Read independently when finished. 

November 15 Thursday  *Describe your Dream Job.  *Career Crunch Field Trip. 

November 14 Wednesday  *Practice following directions.  *Complete and discuss Close Read questions/answers from page 889.

November 13 Tuesday  *Start: "How do you determine main idea when it is IMPLIED?"  *Complete the Close Read questions on pages 887 and 889.

November 12 Monday  *Read pages 882-888 in the new literature books.  Complete notes worksheet #s 9-10. 

November 9 Friday *Turn-in completed packets today.  *Read independently.

November 8 Thursday  *Participate in a seminar discussion about the piece "On the White Men."  Participation grade for completing the reflection page.

November 7 Wednesday  *Complete any 6 questions fromt the yellow sheet in the packet about "On the White Men."  *Fill-out the T-Chart from the packet comparing ideas about nature expressed in the piece. 

November 6 Tuesday  *Complete Boxes N Bullets page (white) related to "A Message to Congress" about objections one would have to the ideas in the document. 

November 5 Monday  *Answer question #12 from the yellow sheet.  *Turn-in answers 1-12.  *Begin work on the boxes-n-bullets using the last page of the packet.

November 2 Friday  *Answer questions 1-11 on the yellow sheet of your packet for the text on the purple page.  All questions must be finished by Monday.

November 1 Thursday *Students work to define key vocabulary for "A Message to Congress On Indian Policy."  *Read "A Message To Congress On Indian Policy."                       Homework: Finish definitions of vocabulary words.

October 31 Wednesday  *Students place initials on the board as to what they believe    "Voting should be Mandatory<__________________________>Voting should be Voluntary.   *Begin defining key vocabulary from the packet handed out in class.

October 30  Tuesday  *Explore Testing    *Read pg. 9 articles about mandatory voting.  Identify and write the thesis for each essay as well as the supporting details of each.

October 29 Monday  *Practice Explore 30 questions in 30 minutes.  

October 26 Friday 1/2 Day    Complete Boxes N Bullets Activity.

October 25 Thursday  *Field Trip to IMAX

October 24 Wednesday  *Explore presentation by guidance department.

October 23 Tuesday  *Students will work with their groups to create an outline or a Boxes-N-Bullets for the reading/writing prompt.  

October 22 Monday  *Preview the upcoming Book Fair October 29-Nov 2.  *Checks made out to EHS ... leave amount blank with DNA $$ in the Memo box.  The library cannot make change from a check.  *Tax is 9.25%.     *Students also worked on writing quality thesis statements.    

October 19 Friday  *In groups, scetch a mind map on large white paper expressing ideas related to the writing prompt.

October 18 Thursday   *Read "The Golden Door: A Nation of Immigrants" pg. 636-642.  Read "When Jessie Came Across the Sea" again. *Groups will creat a T-chart to articulate similarities and differences between the 2 texts.  *Begin mind mapping how these texts illustrate how authors like Amy Hest use/alter historical information is writing fiction.  We will continue mind map tomorrow in class.

October 17 Wednesday *TCAP Math CRA Testing in Homeroom today.  *Read sample writing prompt and begin interpreting how we would organize our thoughts related to a compare/contrast prompt using two different texts.  Read pgs. 636-672 in Literature book.

October 16 Tuesday  *Independent Reading time... complete 2 sticky notes.  Conferencing with teacher.  *Read, answer and discuss comprehension questions from the sheet "Bringing Fire to the Tribe."

October 15 Monday  *Independent Reading... Complete 2 sticky notes.  Conferencing with teacher.  *Review and discuss Term 1 Exam essays.  Students write an outline based upon the essays they wrote in response to their exam prompt.
